Welcome to the most comprehensive and cost-effective endorsed training in Hypno-psychotherapy in Australasia .

ICHP (Australia) offers a Prospectus covering Hypno-psychotherapy education for the new millennium. It contains all you need to define the professional training available to you to support a career in Ethical Clinical Hypno-psychotherapy.

ICHP (Australia) Prospectus Click here-: ICHP 2024 prospectus (entrance)


 The Institute was established in Ireland in 1990 by Dr Joe E. Keaney, a world-renowned professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and member in good standing in many professional hypnotherapy/psychotherapy associations in the UK, US and Europe. There are currently many hundred graduate Hypnotherapists, trained by Dr Keaney, practising throughout the world.

Dr Keaney has licensed Hypnotherapy Institutes in the UK, Sweden, Germany and Australia to teach his Foundation Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses which are based on the first, second and third years of the Degree taught in Europe. Graduates become registered and accredited Member Hypnotherapists of both ICHP(Ireland), the headquarters organization, and of their local ICHP, for example ICHP(Australia).

Our training in Australia is endorsed by the HCA and top organisations representing Hypnotherapy practitioners in Australia. Our Graduates are encouraged to join an Australian Hypnotherapy Association to suit the needs of the clinician and practice ethically and professionally.

Some of the Top Australian Hypnotherapy Associations which endorse us are easily found on the web, such as the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA), Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH),  the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) and the Australian Association of clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, (AACHP). ICHP(Australia) is a Member organisation of the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia, (HCA).

ICHP Hypno-Psychotherapy – Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Courses

Course Program Length
* ICHP Certificate – Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy HYP101 to HYP106 6 months, including one 5-day practical.
* ICHP Diploma – Clinical Hypno-Counselling HYP201 to HYP206 10-12 months, including 2 x 5-day practicals.
* ICHP Adv. Diploma – Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
HYP301 to HYP306 10-12 Months including 3 x 5-day practicals + 1 x Adv Dip Workshop (2days)


 for more information and get the latest details on the course syllabus and tuition fees go to : or Email

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ID Course Name Program Length
001 Certificate - Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy HYP101 to HYP106 6 months, including one 5-day practical.
002 Diploma - Clinical Hypno-Counselling HYP201 to HYP206 10-12 months, including 2 x 5-day practicals.
003 Advanced Diploma - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy HYP301 to HYP306 10-12 Months including 1 x 5-day practical + 1 x 2 -day practical